Kattints ide, ha magyar denevéres könyveket akarsz találni!


-1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Hegyi Z., Granicz L., Kazi R. 2024. Nagy Myotis gyuruzesek es visszafogasok, valamint leolvasasi eredmenyek 2013 es 2023 kozott a Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatosag teruleten


Boldogh S. A., Estók P., Hegyi Z., Dobrosi D., Görföl T., Bihari Z., Dombi I., Gombköt P., Paulovics P., Mészáros J., Máté B., Bereczky A., Szatyor M. & Géczi I. 2019. “Hogy vagytok denevérek?” - Az országos monitorozó program els 15 évének néhány eredménye. - In: Váczi O., Varga I. & Bakó B. (eds.): A Nemzeti Biodiverzitás-monitorozó Rendszer eredményei II. - Gerinces állatok. Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Szarvas, pp. 97-122.

Fukui D., Tu V.T., Thanh H.T., Arai S., Harada M., Csorba G. & Son N.T. (2020): First record of the genus Plecotus from Southeast Asia with notes on the taxonomy, karyology, and echolocation call of P. homochrous from Vietnam – Acta Chiropterologica 22: 57–74. doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2020.22.1.006

Görföl T., Fukui D. & Csorba G. 2020. The taxonomic reassessment of a reportedly extinct bat, Pipistrellus sturdeei (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Zootaxa.4755(1): 163-170. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4755.1.8

Görföl T., Kruskop S. V., Tu V. T., Estók P., Son N. T. & Csorba G. 2020. A new genus within vespertilionid bat: the end of a long journey for Joffre’s Pipistrelle (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). - Journal of Mammalogy. 101(2): 331-348. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyz202

Hoyt J. R., Langwig K. E., Sun K., Parise K. L., Li A., Wang Y., Huang X., Worledge L., Miller H., White J. P., Kaarakka H. M., Redell J. A., Görföl T., Boldogh S. A., Fukui D., Sakuyama M., Yachimori S., Sato A., Dalannast M., Jargalsaikhan A., Batbayar N., Yovel Y., Amichai E., Natradze I., Frick W. F., Foster J. T., Feng J. & Kilpatrick A. M. 2020. Environmental reservoir dynamics determine epidemic size and the degree of population impacts. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(13): 7255-7262. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1914794117

Ikeda Y., Jiang T., Oh H., Csorba G. & Motokawa M. (2020): Geographic variations of skull morphology in the Rhinolophus ferrumequinum species complex (Mammalia: Chiroptera) – Zoologischer Anzeiger 288: 125–138. doi: 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.08.004

Ullah H., Kontschán J., Takács N., Wijnveld M., Schötta A.-M., Boldogh S. A., Sándor A. D., Szekeres S., Görföl T., Rasheed S. B., Javid A. & Hornok S. 2019. A new Rickettsia honei-related genotype, two novel soft tick haplotypes and first records of three mite species associated with bats in Pakistan. - Systematic & Applied Acarology 24(11): 2106-2118. DOI: 10.11158/saa.24.11.6

Yu W., Csorba G. & Wu Y. (2020): Tube-nosed variations – a new species of the genus Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from China – Zoological Research 41(1): 70–77. doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.009

Zana B., Kemenesi G., Buzás D., Csorba G., Görföl T., Khan F. A. A., Tahir N. F. D. A., Zeghbib S., Madai M., Papp H., Földes F., Urbán P., Herczeg R., Tóth G. E. & Jakab F. 2019. Molecular identification of a tentatively novel hantavirus in Malaysian Bronze Tube-nosed Bat (Murina aenea). - Viruses 11(10): 887. DOI: 10.3390/v11100887



Boldogh S. & Görföl T. 2019: Földvezetéket véd m anyag cs ben elpusztult állatok. – In: Molnár Gy. & Andrési P. (eds.): A civilizáció káros hatásai az él világra Magyarországon. Typotex, Budapest, pp. 247-248.

Dragu A., Csorba G. & B ncil R. (2019): Ecological character displacement in mandibular morphology of three sympatric horseshoe bats. – Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy doi: 10.4404/hystrix-00120-2018

Görföl T., Hága K. & Dombi I. 2019: Roost selection of barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus) in an intensively managed floodplain forest: implications for conservation. – North-Western Journal of Zoology 15(2): 184-186.

Hornok S., Sz ke K., Meli M. L., Sándor A. D., Görföl T., Estók P., Wang Y., Tu V. T., Kováts D., Boldogh S. A., Corduneanu A., Sulyok K. M., Gyuranecz M., Kontschán J., Takács N., Halajian A., Epis S. & Hofmann-Lehmann R. 2019: Molecular detection of vector-borne bacteria in bat ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) from eight countries of the Old and New Worlds. – Parasites & Vectors 12: 50. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-019-3303-4

Hutson A.M, Rossiter S.J. & Csorba G. (2019): Family Rhinolophidae (Horseshoe bats). Pp. 260–279. In: Wilson D.E. & Mittermeier R.A. (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 9. Bats. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.

Jiang T., Jing W., Wu H., Csorba G., Puechmaille S., Benda P., Boireau J., Toffoli R., Courtois J-Y., Nyssen P., Colombo R. & Feng J. (2019): The patterns and possible causes of global geographical variation in the body size of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) – Journal of Biogeography doi: 10.1111/jbi.13658

Liu T., Sun K., Csorba G., Zhang K., Zhang L., Zhao H., Jin L., Thong V. D., Xiao Y. & Feng J. (2019): Species delimitation and evolutionary reconstruction within an integrative taxonomic framework: a case study on Rhinolophus macrotis complex (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106544. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106544

McKee C. D., Krawczyk A. I., Sándor A. D., Görföl T., Földvári M., Földvári G., Dekeukeleire D., Haarsma A.-J., Kosoy M. Y., Webb C. T. & Sprong H. 2019: Host phylogeny, geographic overlap, and roost sharing shape parasite communities in European bats. – Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 69. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00069

Tu V. T., Arai S., Kikuchi F., Hang C. T., Tuan T. A., Csorba G. & Görföl T. 2019: Rediscovery of Van Hasselt's Mouse-eared Bat Myotis hasseltii (Temminck 1840) and its first genetic data from Hanoi, northern Vietnam. – Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(7): 13915–13919.



Görföl T. & Csorba G. 2018: Integrative taxonomy places Asian species of Falsistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) into Hypsugo. – Mammalian Biology 93(11): 56–63. DOI: 10.1016/j.mambio.2018.08.004

Görföl T., Dombi I., Barti L., Bücs Sz., Jére Cs., Pocora V., Pocora I., Szodoray-Parádi F., Paunovi M., Karapand a B. & Cs sz I. 2018: A review of the occurrence data of the pond bat (Myotis dasycneme) in its southern distribution range. – North-Western Journal of Zoology 14(1): 135–141.

Görföl T., Furey N. M., Bates P. J. J. & Csorba G. 2018: The identity of ‘Falsistrellus affinis from Myanmar and Cambodia and new records of Hypsugo dolichodon from these countries. – Acta Chiropterologica 20(2): 301–309. DOI: 10.3161/15081109ACC2018.20.2.002

Hassanin A., Colombo R., Gembu G.-C., Merle M., Tu V. T., Görföl T., Akawa P. M., Csorba G., Kearney T., Mondadjem A. & Ing R. K. 2018: Multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation within the genus Glauconycteris (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), with the description of a new bat species from the Tshopo Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 56(1): 122. DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12176

Hornok S., Corduneanu A., Kontschán J., Bek K., Sz ke K., Görföl T., Gyuranecz M. & Sándor D. A. 2018: Analyses of separate and concatenated cox1 and 18S rRNA gene sequences indicate that the bat piroplasm Babesia vesperuginis is phylogenetically close to Cytauxzoon felis and the ‘prototheilerid’ Babesia conradae. – Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 66(1): 105–113. DOI: 10.1556/004.2018.010

Hron T., Farkašová H., Gifford R. J., Benda P., Hulva P., Görföl T., Pa es J. & Elleder D. 2018: Remnants of an ancient deltaretrovirus in the genomes of horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae). – Viruses 10: 185. DOI: 10.3390/v10040185

Judas J., Csorba G. & Benda P. (2018): The bat fauna (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the United Arab Emirates: a review of published records and museum specimens with conservation notes. – Journal of Threatened Taxa 10(3): 11379–11390. doi: htp://doi.org/10.11609/jot.3096.10.3.11379-11390

Kemenesi G., Kurucz K., Dallos B., Zana B., Földes F., Boldogh S. A., Görföl T., Carroll M. W. & Jakab F. 2018: Re-emergence of Lloviu filovirus in Miniopterus schreibersii bats, Hungary, 2016. – Emerging Microbes & Infections 67: 6. DOI: 10.1038/s41426-018-0067-4

Kemenesi G., Kurucz K., Zana B., Földes F., Urbán P., Vlaschenko A., Kravchenko K., Budinski, I., Szodoray-Parádi F., Bücs Sz., Jére Cs., Cs sz I., Szodoray-Parádi A., Estók P., Görföl T., Boldogh S. & Jakab F. 2018: Diverse replication-associated protein encoding circular DNA viruses in guano samples of Central-Eastern European bats. – Archives of Virology 163(3): 671–678. DOI: 10.1007/s00705-017-3678-5

Mohd-Ridwan A. R., Ahmad Tahir N. B. F. D., Bin Eshak M. H., Csorba G., Görföl T., Khan F. A. A. & Mohd-Azlan J. 2018: Bat assemblage and lunar phase effect on bat activity at mixed dipterocarp forest, Gunung Gading National Park, Sarawak, Borneo. – Sains Malaysiana 47(7): 1349–1357. DOI: 10.17576/jsm-2018-4707-01

Sándor D. A., Földvári M., Krawczyk A. I., Sprong H., Corduneanu A., Barti L., Görföl T., Estók P., Kováts D., Szekeres S., László Z., Hornok S. & Földvári G. 2018. Eco-epidemiology of novel Bartonella genotypes from parasitic flies of insectivorous bats. – Microbial Ecology 76(4): 1076–1088. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-018-1195-z

Thong V.D., Mao X., Csorba G., Bates P.J.J., Ruedi M., Viet N.V., Loi D.N., Nha P.V., Chacula O., Tuan T.A., Son N.T., Tu V.T. & Saikia U. (2018): First records of Myotis altarium (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from India and Vietnam. – Mammal Study 43(1):1–7. DOi: 10.3106/ms2017-0076

Tu V.T., Hassanin A., Furey N.M., Son N.T. & Csorba G. (2018): Four species in one: multigene analyses reveal phylogenetic patterns within Hardwicke's woolly bat, Kerivoula hardwickii-complex (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Asia. – Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 29(1): 111–121. doi: 10.4404/hystrix-00017-2017

Yu W., Li F., Csorba G., Xu Z., Wang X., Guo W., Li Y. & Wu Y. (2018): A revision of Kerivoula hardwickii and occurrence of K. furva(Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)in China – Zootaxa 4461(1): 45–56. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4461.1.2

Zana B., Kemenesi G., Urbán P., Földes F., Görföl T., Estók P., Boldogh S., Kurucz K. & Jakab F. 2018: Metagenomic analysis of bat guano samples revealed the presence of viruses potentially carried by insects, among others by Apis mellifera in Hungary. – Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 66(1): 149–159. DOI: 10.1556/004.2018.014

Zhang L., Sun K., Liu T., Zhao H., Csorba G., Jin L., Thong V.D. & Feng J. (2018): Multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation within the Rhinolophus philippinensis-group (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) – Zoologica Scripta 47: 655–672. doi: 10.1111/zsc.12308




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Dobrosi, D. (2017): A holtfa s egy b erd kol giai t nyez k jelent s ge a denev rek sz m ra. Erd szettudom nyi K zlem nyek 7: 135-154.

Estók, P., Görföl, T., Sz ke, K. & Barti, L. (2017): Records of Greater Noctule Bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus) from Romania – with new additions. – North-Western Journal of Zoology 13: 375-376.

Greif, S., Zseb k, S., Schmieder, D. & Siemers, B. M. (2017): Acoustic mirrors as sensory traps for bats. – Science 357: 1045-1047.

Guo W, Yu W., Wang X., Csorba G., Li F., Li Y. & Wu Y. (2017): First record of the Collared sprite, Thainycteris aureocollaris (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from China. – Mammal Study 42(2): 97-103.

Hornok S., Sz ke K., Boldogh A. S., Sándor A. D., Kontschán J., Tu, V. T., Halajian, A., Takács N., Görföl T. & Estók P. 2017: Phylogenetic analyses of bat-associated bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae: Cimicinae and Cacodminae) indicate two new species close to Cimex lectularius. – Parasites & Vectors 10: 439. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2376-1

Hornok S., Sz ke K., Görföl T., Földvári G., Tu, V. T., Takács N., Kontschán J., Sándor A. D., Estók P., Epis S., Boldogh S., Kováts D. & Wang Y. 2017: Molecular investigation of the bat tick Argas vespertilionis (Ixodida: Argasidae) and Babesia vesperuginis (Apicomplexa: Piroplasmida) reflect "bat connection" between Central Europe and Central Asia. – Experimental and Applied Acarology 72: 69-77. DOI: 10.1007/s10493-017-0140-z

Hornok S., Sz ke K., Tu V. T., Kontschán J., Takács N., Sándor A. D., Halajian A., Földvári G., Estók P., Plantard O., Epis S. & Görföl T. 2017: Mitochondrial gene heterogeneity of the bat soft tick Argas vespertilionis (Ixodida: Argasidae) in the Palaearctic. – Parasites & Vectors 10: 109. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2037-4

Hornok S., Sándor D. A., Tomanovic S., Beck R., D’Amico G., Kontschán J., Takács N., Görföl T., Bendjeddou M. L., Földvári G. & Farkas R. 2017: East and west separation of Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. genotypes in the Mediterranean Basin. – Parasites & Vectors 10: 39. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-1985-z

Jére, Cs., Simon, L., Bücs, Sz., Cs sz, I., Barti, L., Dóczy, A. & Szodoray-Parádi, F. (2017): The distribution of the northern bat Eptesicus nilssonii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839) in Romania. – North-Western Journal of Zoology e174701.

Jére, Cs., Bücs, Sz., Cs sz, I., Szodoray-Parádi, F. & Barti, L. (2017): The northernmost Rhinolophus blasii colony in Europe: permanent presence in the P durea Craiului Mountains, Romania. – North-Western Journal of Zoology 13: 163-168.

Kemenesi G., Kurucz K., Zana B., Tu V. T., Görföl T., Estók P., Földes F., Sztancsik K., Urbán P., Fehér E. & Jakab F. 2017: Highly divergent cyclo-like virus in a great roundleaf bat (Hipposideros armiger), Vietnam. – Archives of Virology 162(8): 2403–2407. DOI: 10.1007/s00705-017-3377-2

Kuo H-C., Soisook P., Ho Y-Y., Csorba G. and Rossiter S. J. (2017): A taxonomic revision of the Kerivoula hardwickii complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with the description of a new species. – Acta Chiropterologica 19: 19–39. DOI: 10.3161/15081109ACC2017.19.1.002

Maxinová, E., Arrizabalaga, A., Arriolabengoa, M., Aloria, K., Zaldibar, B., Boldogh, S., Uhrin, M., Goiti, U., Aihartza, J. & Garin. I. 2017: Faeces of Rhinolophus euryale from winter season contain inorganic matter. Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 28(1): 98–103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4404/hystrix-28.1-11874

Ruedi M., Eger J.L., Lim B.K. & Csorba G. (2017): A new genus and species of vespertilionid bat from the Indomalayan Region. – Journal of Mammalogy 99: 209–222. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyx156

Saikia U., Csorba G. & Ruedi M. (2017): First records of Hypsugo joffrei(Thomas, 1915) and the revision of Philetor brachypterus (Temminck, 1840) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Indian Subcontinent. – Revue Suisse de Zoologie 124: 83–89. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.322668

Sz ke K., Sándor A. D., Boldogh A. S., Görföl T., Votýpka J., Takács N., Estók P., Kováts D., Corduneanu A., Molnár V., Kontschán J. & Hornok S. 2017: DNA of free-living bodonids (Euglenozoa: Kinetoplastea) in bat ectoparasites: potential relevance to the evolution of parasitic trypanosomatids. – Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 65(4): 531–540. DOI: 10.1556/004.2017.051

Tu V. T., Csorba G., Ruedi M., Furey N. M., Son N. T., Thong V. D., Bonillo C. & Hassanin A. (2017): Comparative phylogeography of bamboo bats of the genus Tylonycteris(Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Southeast Asia. – European Journal of Taxonomy 274: 1–38. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.274

Tu V. T., Hassanin A., Görföl T., Arai S., Fukui D., Thanh H. T., Son N. T., Furey N. M. & Csorba G. 2017: Integrative taxonomy of the Rhinolophus macrotis complex (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) in Vietnam and nearby regions. – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 55(3): 177–198. DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12169



Al-Sheikhly O. F., Haba M. K., Görföl T. & Csorba G. 2016: First confirmed records of two bat species for Iraq: Rhinolophus euryale and Myotis emarginatus (Chiroptera). – Mammalia 80(1): 111–115. DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2014-0098

Bailey S. E., Mao X., Bozek M., Tsagkogeorga G., Csorba G., Heaney L. R., Sedlock J., Stanley W., Rouillard J–M. & Rossiter S. J. (2016): The use of museum samples for large–scale sequence capture: a study of congeneric horseshoe bats (family Rhinolophidae). – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 58–70. DOI: 10.1111/bij.12620

Boldogh, S. 2016: Az év eml sei: a denevérek. – Madártávlat 23(2): 11-16.

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Dobrosi D. 2016: Erd lakó denevérek a Kis-Sárréten és a Körösmenti-síkon. – Crisicum 9: 223–243.

Estók P. & Görföl T. 2016: Denevérek az erdei életközösségekben. (Bats in forests.) – In: Korda M. (ed.): Az erd gazdálkodás hatása az erd k biológiai sokféleségére. [The impacts of sylviculture on the biodiversity of forests.] Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, pp. 311–322.

Görföl T. & Estók P. 2015-16: A Hortobágy erdeinek denevérei. (The bats of the forests of Hortobágy.) – Calandrella 17-18: 130–137.

Hornok S., Görföl T., Estók P., Tu V. T. & Kontschán J. 2016: Description of a new tick species, Ixodes collaris n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae), from bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae, Rhinolophidae) in Vietnam. – Parasites & Vectors 9: 332. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-016-1608-0

Hornok S., Sz ke K., Kováts D., Estók P., Görföl T., Boldogh S. A., Takács N., Kontschán J., Földvári G., Barti L., Corduneanu A. & Sándor A. D. 2016: DNA of piroplasms of ruminants and dogs in ixodid bat ticks. – PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167735. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167735

Kemenesi G., Földes F., Zana B., Kurucz K., Estók P., Boldogh S., Görföl T., Bányai K., Oldal M. & Jakab F. 2016: Genetic characterization of Providence virus isolated from bat guano in Hungary. – Genome Announcements 4(3): e00403-16. DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00403-16

Kemenesi G., Gellért Á., Dallos B., Görföl T., Boldogh S., Estók P., Marton Sz., Oldal M., Martella V., Bányai K. & Jakab F. 2016: Sequencing and molecular modeling identifies candidate members of Caliciviridae family in bats. – Infection, Genetics and Evolution 41: 227–232. DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2016.04.004

Lim L-S., Csorba G., Wong C-M., Zubaid A., Habeebur Rahman S. P., Vijaya Kumaran J., Anwarali Khan F. A., Huang J. C-C., Najimudin N. & Görföl T. 2016: The systematic position of Hypsugo macrotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and a new record from Peninsular Malaysia. – Zootaxa 4170(1): 169–177. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4170.1.10

Son N. T., O’Shea T. J., Gore J. A., Csorba G., Tu V. T., Oshida T., Endo H. & Motokawa M.. (2016): Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Southeastern Truong Son Mountains, Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. – Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(7): 8953–8969. DOI: 10.11609/jott.2785.8.7.8953-8969

Tu V. T., Estók P., Csorba G., Son N. T., Thanh H. T., Tuan L. Q. & Görföl T. 2016: Recent remarkable records reveal that Phia Oac-Phia Den Nature Reserve is a priority area for bat conservation in Northern Vietnam. – Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 9(3): 312–322. DOI: 10.1016/j.japb.2016.04.007

Uhrin M., Hüttmeir U., Kipson M., Estók P., Sachanowicz K., Bücs Sz., Karapandza B., Paunovic M., Presetnik P., Bashta A.-T., Maximová E., Lehotská B., Lehotsky R., Barti L., Cs sz I., Szodoray-Parádi F., Dombi I., Görföl T., Boldogh S. A., Jére Cs., Pocora I. & Benda P. 2016: Status of Savi's pipistrelle Hypsugo savii (Chiroptera) and range expansion in Central and south-eastern Europe: a review. – Mammal Review 46: 1–16. DOI: 10.1111/mam.12050

Wang X., Guo W., Yu W., Csorba G., Motokawa M., Li F., Zhang C., Li Y. & Wu Y. (2016): First record of Myotis indochinensis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in China. – Mammalia DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2016-0063



Al–Sheikhly O. F, Haba M. K., Barbanera F., Csorba G. & Harrison D. L. (2015): Checklist of the Mammals of Iraq (Chordata: Mammalia) – Bonn Zoological Bulletin 64(1): 33–58.

Boldogh, S. 2015: Denevérek és a klímaváltozás. – Zöld Horizont 33: 6.

Csorba G., Görföl T., Wiantoro S., Kingston T., Bates P. J. J. & Huang J. C.-C. 2015: Thumb-pads up – a new species of thick-thumbed bat from Sumatra (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Glischropus). – Zootaxa 3980(2): 267–278. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3980.2.7

Cs sz, I., Jére, Cs., Bücs, Sz., Bartha, Cs., Barti, L. & Szodoray-Parádi, F. (2015): The presence of Mehely's horseshoe bat Rhinolophus mehelyi in South-Western Romania. – North-Western Journal of Zoology 11: 351-356.

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Görföl T., Kemenesi G. & Jakab F. 2015. A denevérek által terjesztett vírusok változatossága a hazai denevér populációkban. (High diversity of bat-related viruses in Hungary.) – Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 137(11): 679–686.

Hornok S., Estrada-Peña A., Kontschán J., Plantard O., Kunz B., Mihalca A. D., Thabah A., Tomanovi S., Burazerovi J., Takács N., Görföl T., Estók P., Tu V. T., Sz ke K., Fernández de Mera I. G., de la Fuente J., Takahashi M., Yamauchi T. & Takano A. 2015: High degree of mitochondrial gene heterogeneity in the bat tick species Ixodes vespertilionis, I. ariadnae and I. simplex from Eurasia. – Parasites & Vectors 8: 457. DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-7-202

Kemenesi G., Dallos B., Görföl T., Estók P., Boldogh S., Kurucz K., Oldal M., Marton S., Bányai K. & Jakab F. 2015: Genetic diversity and recombination within bufaviruses: detection of a novel strain in Hungarian bats. – Infection, Genetics and Evolution 33: 288–292. DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2015.05.017

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Tu V. T., Csorba G., Görföl T., Arai S., Son N. T., Thanh H. T. & Hasanin A. 2015: Description of a new species of the genus Aselliscus (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) from Vietnam. – Acta Chiropterologica 17(2): 233–254. DOI: 10.3161/15081109ACC2015.17.2.002

Vidovszky M. Z., Kohl C., Boldogh S., Görföl T., Wibbelt G., Kurth A. & Harrach B. 2015: Random sampling of the Central European bat fauna reveals the existence of numerous hitherto unknown adenoviruses. – Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 63(4): 508–525. DOI: 10.1556/004.2015.047



Boldogh, S. 2014: Épületlakó denevérek felmérése és védelme Északkelet-Magyarországon. – Zöld Horizont, 28-29: 5.

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Estók P. & Görföl T. 2014: Nagyfül denevér – Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl, 1817). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 666-668.

Estók P. & Görföl T. 2014: Kereknyerg patkósdenevér – Rhinolophus euryale Blasius, 1853. – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 655–656.

Estók P. & Görföl T. 2014: Nagy patkósdenevér – Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 657–659.

Estók P. & Görföl T. 2014: Kis patkósdenevér – Rhinolophus hipposideros (Bechstein, 1800). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 660–662.

Estók P. & Görföl T. 2014: Csonkafül denevér – Myotis emarginatus (Geoffroy, 1806). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 672–674.

Görföl T., Csorba G., Eger J. L., Son N. T. & Francis C. M. 2014: Canines make the difference: a new species of Hypsugo (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Laos and Vietnam. – Zootaxa 3887(2): 239–250. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3887.2.6

Görföl T. & Estók P. 2014: Nyugati piszedenevér – Barbastella barbastellus (Schreber, 1774). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 663-665.

Görföl T. & Estók P. 2014: Tavi denevér – Myotis dasycneme (Boie, 1825). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 669–671.

Görföl T. & Estók P. 2014: Közönséges denevér – Myotis myotis (Borkhausen, 1797). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 675–676.

Görföl T. & Estók P. 2014: Hegyesorrú denevér – Myotis blythii (Tomes, 1857). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 678–680.

Görföl T. & Estók P. 2014: Hosszúszárnyú denevér – Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl, 1817). – In: Haraszthy L. (ed.): Natura 2000 fajok és él helyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Természetvédelmi Közalapítvány, Csákvár, pp. 681–682.

Hornok S., Kontschán J., Kováts D., Kovács R., Angyal D., Görföl T., Polacsek Zs., Kalmár Zs. & Mihalca A. D. 2014: Bat ticks revisited: Ixodes ariadnae sp. nov. and allopatric genotypes of I. vespertilionis in caves of Hungary. – Parasites & Vectors 7: 202. DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-7-202

Kemenesi G., Dallos B., Görföl T., Boldogh S., Estók P., Kurucz K., Kutas A., Földes F., Oldal M., Németh V., Vito M., Bányai K. & Jakab F. 2014: Molecular survey of RNA viruses in Hungarian bats: discovering novel astroviruses, coronaviruses, and caliciviruses. – Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 14(12): 846–855.
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Schmieder, D. A., Zseb k, S. & Siemers, B. M. (2014): The tail plays a major role in the differing manoeuvrability of two sibling species of mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii). – Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 965–977.

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Voigt C. C., Lehnert S., Popa-Lisseanu A. G., Ciechanowski M., Estók P., Gloza-Rausch F., Görföl T., Göttsche M., Harrje C., Hötzel M., Teige T., Wohlgemuth R. & Kramer-Schadt S. 2014: The trans-boundary importance of artifical bat hibernacula in managed European forests. – Biodiversity and Conservation 23(3): 617–637. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0620-y

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Görföl, T., Estók, P., Csorba, G. 2013. The subspecies of Myotis montivagus - taxonomic revision and species limits (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 59(1): 41-59.

Görföl, T., Máté, B., Gombköt , P., Dobrosi, D., Hegyi, Z., Boldogh, S. 2013. A denevérek fehérorr-tünetegyüttesét okozó gomba (Geomyces destructans) magyarországi el fordulása. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja. 135(3): 163-170.

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Luo, J., Koselj, K., Zseb k, S., Siemers, B. M. & Goerlitz, H. R. 2013. Global warming alters sound transmission: differential impact on the prey detection ability of echolocating bats. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 11: 20130961.

Soisook, P., Karapan, S., Satasook, C., Thong, V. D., Anwarali Khan, F. A., Maryanto, I., Csorba, G., Furey, N., Bandana, A., Bates, P. J. J. 2013. A review of the Murina cyclotis complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with descriptions of a new species and subspecies. Acta Chiropterologica. 15(2): 271-292.

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Zseb k, S., Kroll, F., Heinrich, M., Genzel, D., Siemers, B. M., Wiegrebe, L. 2013. Trawling bats exploit an echo-acoustic ground effect. Frontiers in Integrative Physiology. 4: 65.




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Csorba, G. 2011. A new species of Glischropus from the Indochinese Subregion (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Zootaxa. 2925: 41-48.

Csorba, G., Son, N.G., Ith, S., Furey, N.M. 2011. Revealing cryptic bat diversity: three new Murina and redescription of M. tubinaris from Southeast Asia. Journal of Mammalogy. 92(4): 891-904.

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Kingsada, P., Douangboubpha, B., Ith, S., Furey, N., Sisook, P., Bumrungsri, S., Satasook, C., Thong, V.D., Csorba, G., Harrison, D., Pearch, M., Bates, P., Thomas, N. 2011. A checklist of bats from Cambodia, including the fi rst record of the intermediate horseshoe bat Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae), with additional information from Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodian Journal of Natural History. 2011(1): 49-59.

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Estók, P., Zseb k, S., & Siemers, B.M. 2010. Great tits search for, capture, kill and eat hibernating bats. Biology Letters. 6: 59-62.

Görföl, T., Dombi, I. & Csorba, G. 2010. Revision of significant recent and early Holocene bat data from Hungary (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 102: 205-210.

Görföl, T., Zseb k, S. & Tóth, M. 2010. Adatok Porva eml sfaunájához a 2008. évi Biodiverzitás Napok során végzett felmérések alapján. [Data to the mammal fauna of Porva on the basis of the survey of Biodiversity Days 2008.] Folia Bakonyiensis. 27: 151-156.

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Barati, J. 2009. Barlangi denevérek megfigyelése a Bükkben. [The monitoring of cave-living bats in the Bükk Mountains.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 75-79.

Bereczky, A.Sz. 2009. Épületlakó denevérfajok és gyöngybaglyok egyedszám-változása és helyzete a Sajó-Hernád-sík, Taktaköz, Borsodi-ártér és Harangod kistájakon 2004-2009 között. [The population trends and status of house-dwelling bats and barn owls in the Sajó-Hernád-Plain, Taktaköz, Borsodi-floodplain and Harangod between 2004-2009.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 31-40.

Cs sz, I. & Szodoray-Parádi, F. 2009. Id nyújtásos ultrahang-detektorok alkalmazása a magyarországi denevérfaunisztikai kutatásokban. [The use of time expansion ultrasound detectors in the Hungarian bat research.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 15-18.

Dobrosi, D. 2009. A hegyesorrú denevér (Myotis oxygnathus) kölykez kolóniáinak változása a Nagyalföldön. [The change of the lesser mouse-eared bat (Myotis oxygnathus) nursery colonies on the Great Hungarian Plain.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 67-73.

Estók, P., Dombi, I. & Görföl, T. 2009. Rádiós nyomkövetési és biotelemetriai vizsgálatok a hazai denevérkutatásban – tapasztalatok, eredmények. [Radio-tracking and radio-telemetry in Hungarian bat research – experiences and results.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 47-51.

Estók, P. & Görföl, T. 2009. Erd lakó denevér együttesek kutatása, különös tekintettel a Nyctalus lasiopterusra – egy 2009-es EUROBATS projekt el zetes eredményei. [The research of forest-dweller bat ensembles with special respect to Nyctalus lasiopterus – preliminary results of a EUROBATS project conducted in 2009.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 53-60.

Estók, P. & Siemers, B.M. 2009. Calls of a bird-eater: the echolocation behaviour of the enigmatic greater noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus. Acta Chiropterologica. 11(2): 405-414.

Estók, P., Zseb k, S. & Siemers, B. M. 2009. Great tits search for, capture, kill and eat hibernating bats. Biology Letters. 6: 59-62.

Furey, N.M., Thong, V.D., Bates, P.J.J. & Csorba, G. 2009. Description of a new species belonging to the Murina 'suilla-group' (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae) from north Vietnam. Acta Chiropterologica. 11(2): 225-236.

Görföl, T. & Dombi, I. 2009. Nyugati piszedenevér (Barbastella barbastellus) rádiós nyomkövetése Gemencen – el zetes eredmények. [Radio-tracking of barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus) in Gemenc – preliminary results.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 61-66.

Görföl, T., Dombi, I., Boldogh, S. & Estók, P. 2009. Going further south: new data on the breeding area of Nyctalus noctula (Schreber, 1774) in Central Europe. Hystrix - Italian Journal of Mammalogy. 20(1): 37-44.

Hegyi, Z. 2009. Denevérvédelmi tapasztalatok Kentuckyban. [Bat protection experiences in Kentucky.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 19-21.

Juhász, M., Paulovics, P. & Boldogh, S. 2009. A kereknyerg patkósdenevér Rhinolophus euryale BLASIUS, 1853 áttelepítési programjának els eredményei. [Preliminary results of the translocation project of Mediterranean horseshoe bats Rhinolophus euryale BLASIUS, 1853 in Hungary.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 23-29.

Lanszki, J. & Zseb k, S. 2009. A Gy r f Természetvédelmi Terület eml sei a Magyar Biodiverzitás Napi felmérések alapján. [Mammals of the Gy r f Nature Conservation Area on the basis of surveys during Hungarian Biodiversity Days]. Natura Somogyiensis. 13: 203-209.

Kuo, H-C., Fang, Y-P., Csorba, G. & Lee, L-L. 2009. Three new species of Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Taiwan. Journal of Mammalogy. 90(4): 980-991.

Molnár, V., Molnár, Z., Rigó, D., Pálfi, V. & Sós, E. 2009. Denevérek veszettsége – Adatok és gondolatok az els két hazai eset kapcsán. [Rabies in bats – Data and thoughts on the first two Hungarian cases.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 41-46.

Szodoray-Parádi, A. & Szodoray-Parádi, F. 2009. A Romániai Indicator Bats (iBatsRO) program eddigi eredményei. [Results of the Romanian Indicator Bats (iBatsRO) Programme.] - In: Görföl, T., Estók, P. & Molnár, V. (eds.): A VII. Magyar Denevérvédelmi Konferencia (Fels tárkány, 2009. október 16-18.) kiadványa. [Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Bat Conservation in Hungary (Fels tárkány, 16th to 18th of October 2009).] BEKE & MDBK, Eger, pp. 9-14.



Est k, P. 2008. N h ny b kki adat a nagyf l denev r Myotis bechsteinii (KUHL, 1818) ny ri b v helyeir l. [Some data on the summer roosts of Bechstein s bat Myotis bechsteinii (KUHL, 1818) from the B kk Mountains]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 38-41.

Est k, P. & Cserk sz, T. 2008. Egy tavi denev r Myotis dasycneme (BOIE, 1825) r di s nyomk vet s nek eredm nyei. [The results of the radiotracking of a pond bat Myotis dasycneme (BOIE, 1825)]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 42-44.

Gombk t , P. 2008. Panel p letekben el fordul denev rek ltal okozott probl m k s megold si lehet s g k. [Problems caused by house-dwelling bats in the urban areas and the possible solutions]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 50-56.

Gombk t , P., Dobrosi, D. & Est k, P. 2008. A B kk s M tra erdei l helyein gy r z tt denev rek megker l si adatai. [Recaptures of bats ringed in the forest habitats of B kk and M tra Mountains]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 45-49.

G rf l, T. 2008. Adatok a V lgys g s a Hegyh t (Tolna megye) denev rfaun j hoz (Chiroptera). [Data to the bat (Chiroptera) fauna of V lgys g and Hegyh t (Tolna County, South Hungary)]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 12-17.

G rf l, T. & Dombi, I. 2008. Csonkaf l denev r (Myotis emarginatus) el fordul sa Gemencen. [The occurrence of Geoffroy s bat (Myotis emarginatus) in the Gemenc forest]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 7-11.

G rf l, T. & Zseb k, S. 2008. Kis patk sdenev r (Rhinolophus hipposideros) - j faj Tolna megye denev rfaun j ban. [Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) - new species in the bat fauna of Tolna County (South Hungary)]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 3-6.

G rf l, T., Dombi, I. & Dobrosi, D. 2008. Tizenh t vn l id sebb nagy patk sdenev r (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) megker l se a Mecsekben. [The finding of an at least 17 years old greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in the Mecsek Mountains (South Hungary)]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 57-58.

Kov ts, D., Habarics, B. & Urb n, H. 2008. p letlak denev rfajok popul ci dinamikai vizsg lata gy ngybaglyok jelenl t ben, a Szatm r-Beregi T jv delmi K rzet ter let n. [The changes of population of house-dwelling bat colonies in the presence of Barn Owls (Tyto alba) in the Szatm r-Bereg Landscape Protection Area (Hungary)]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 59-73.

Paulovics, P. & Juh sz, M. 2008. Egy lehets ges m dszer a kereknyerg patk sdenev r (Rhinolophus euryale BLASIUS, 1853) dun nt li maradv ny llom ny nak megment s re: meger s t s ttelep t ssel (protokoll tervezet). [One possible way to save the remaining Transdanubian population of the Mediterranean horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus euryale) from extinction: strengthening with resettlement (action plan)]. Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 4: 18-37.



Bal zs, Cs., Benda, P., Est k, P. & Uhrin, M. 2007. llatvil g, llattani rt kek gerincesek (Vertebrata). - In: Kiss, G. (ed.): A Karancs-Medves s a Cseres-hegys g T jv delmi K rzet N gr d s G m r hat r n. B kki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, Eger, pp. 157-176.

Barti, L., D czy, A., J re, Cs. & Szodoray-Par di F. 2007. A Vargyas-szoros recens s szubfosszilis denev rfaun ja s faunisztikai adatb zisa a kezdetekt l 2007 febru rj ig. Acta Siculica. Sz kely Nemzeti M zeum, Sepsiszentgy rgy, pp. 153-178.

Barti, L., D czy, A., J re, Cs. & Varga, . 2007. F ldalatti denev r-telel hely ellen rz sek eredm nyei D lkelet-Erd lyben. [Results of winter bat censuses in underground hibernaculas in South-Eastern Transylvania]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 51-62.

Bates, P. J. J., Struebig, M. J., Hayes, B. D., Furey, N. M., Khin Mya Mya, Vu Dinh Thong, Pham Duc Tien, Nguyen Troung Son, Harrison, D. L., Francis, C. M. & Csorba, G. 2007. A new species of Kerivoula (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Southeast Asia. Acta Chiropterologica, 9(2): 323-337.

Bihari, Z. 2007. A Zempl ni-hegys g barlangjainak s mesters ges regeinek denev rfaunisztikai felm r se. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 204-215.

Bihari, Z., Est k, P., Gombk t , P. & Petrovics, Z. 2007. A feh rtork denev r magyarorsz gi el fordul sa s b v hely preferenci ja. [Distribution and habitat preference of the Parti-coloured bat in Hungary]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 77-79.

Boldogh, S. 2007. Denev rek kutat sa s v delme az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g illet kess gi ter let n. [Review on research and conservation actibities of bats in the administrative area of the Aggtelek National Park Directorate]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged pp. 11-17.

Boldogh, S. 2007. A kereknyerg patk sdenev r (Rhinolophus euryale Blasius, 1853) llom nya s term szetv delmi helyzete szak-Magyarorsz gon. [Present situation and conservation status of Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus euryale in Northern Hungary]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 32-39.

Boldogh, S. 2007. F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok az Aggteleki-karszt s a Galyas g ter let n. [Underground bat roosts of the Aggtelek and Galyas g Mountains (N. Hungary)]. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 164-185.

Boldogh, S. 2007. A Putnoki-dombs g f ldalatti denev rsz ll sai. [The underground bat roosts in the Putnok Hills (N. Hungary)]. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 186-190.

Boldogh, S. 2007. F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok a Rudab nyai- s a Szalonnai-hegys g ter let n. [Underground bat roosts in the Rudab nya and Szalonna Mountains (N. Hungary)]. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 191-197.

Boldogh, S. 2007. F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok kutat sa az szak-Csereh t ter let n. [Research on bat species in the underground roosts of the Northern Csereh t (N. Hungary)]. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 198-203.

Boldogh, S., Dobrosi, D. & Samu, P. 2007. Sz ll s p letek kivil g t s nak hat sa a denev r llom nyokra. [Effect of the illumination of buildings on bat colonies]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 98-102.

Boldogh, S., Dobrosi, D. & Samu, P. 2007. The effects of the illumination of buildings on house-dwelling bats and its conservation consequences. Acta Chiropterologica, 9(2): 527-534.

B cs, Sz., Nagy, Z., Boldogh, S. & Popescu, O. 2007. K rp tokon innen s t l - Genetikai variabilit s k z ns ges denev r (Myotis myotis) kol ni kban. [Inside and around the Carpathians - Genetic variability in Greater Mouse-Eared bat Myotis myotis colonies]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 45-50.

Bücs, Sz., Nagy, Z., Boldogh, S. & Popescu, O. 2007. Molecular approaches in the study of bat populations: the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis in Eastern Europe. Annals of West University of Timisoara, 16(3): 13-24.

Cserk sz, T. 2007. A Tarnavid k (Heves-Borsodi-dombs g) kiseml sfaun ja egy bagolyk pet-mint ban. [The micromammalian fauna of the Tarnavid k (NE Hungary) in one owl-pellet sample]. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 31: 179-181.

Csorba, G., Vu Dinh Thong, Bates, P. J. J. & Furey, N. M. 2007. Description of a new species of Murina from Vietnam (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae). Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 268: 1-12.

Durk , L. 2007. Nagy patk sdenev r s csonkaf l denev r ny ri sz ll shelye B k sen. [Summer quarters of Greater horseshoe bat's (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and Geoffroy's bat's (Myotis emarginatus) in B k s (Hungary)]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 53-65.

D czy, A., Barti, L. & J re, Cs. 2007. Adatok a gyergy teker pataki S g -barlang denev rfaun j r l. Acta Siculica. Sz kely Nemzeti M zeum, Sepsiszentgy rgy, pp. 149-152.

Duval, L., Robert, V., Csorba, G., Hassanin, A., Randrianarivelojosia, M., Walston, J., Thy Nhim, Goodman, S.M. & Ariey, F. 2007. Multiple hosts switching of Haemosporidia parasites in bats. Malaria Journal 6: 157

Est k, P. 2007. Seasonal changes in the sex ratio of Nyctalus species in North-east Hungary. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 53(1): 89-95.

Est k, P. 2007. 2007 az ri s-koraidenev r (Nyctalus lasiopterus [Schreber, 1780]) ve - a faj hazai adatainak ttekint se, j eredm nyek. [The year of Greater Noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus [Schreber, 1780]) 2007 - review of Hungarian data and new results]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged pp. 80-84.

Est k, P.& Gombk t , P. 2007. Review of the Hungarian data of Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, 1780). Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 31: 167-172.

Est k, P., Gombk t , P. & Cserk sz, T. 2007. Roosting behaviour of the greater noctule Nyctalus lasiopterus Schreber, 1780 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Hungary as revealed by radio-tracking. Mammalia, 71(1-2): 86-88.

G czi, I. 2007. A Zempl ni-hegys g mesters ges regeinek denev rfaunisztikai felm r se. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 248-264.

G czi, I. & Zseb k, S. 2007. A Bodrogk z denev rfaun ja. [Bat fauna of Bodrogk z, Hungary]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 66-72.

Gombk t , P., Dobrosi, D., Est k, P. & Bihari, Z. 2007. Adatok egyes barlangok s mesters ges f ldalatti regek denev rfaun j hoz szak-Magyarorsz g ter let n. [Data on the bat fauna of caves and other underground cavities in North-East Hungary]. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 291-340.

Görföl, T. 2007. New record of the Schreiber's bat (Miniopterus schreibersii Kuhl, 1817) in the Mecsek Mountains, Hungary. [A hosszúszárnyú denevér (Miniopterus schreibersii Kuhl, 1817) újabb előfordulása a Mecsekben]. - In: Fazekas, I. (ed.): A Mecsek állatvilága 2. - Acta Naturalia Pannonica 2: 179-181.

Görföl, T. 2007. Savi’s pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii Bonaparte, 1837): new species in the bat fauna of Mecsek Mountains, SW Hungary. [Az alpesi denevér (Hypsugo savii) új faj a Mecsekben]. - In: Fazekas, I. (ed.): A Mecsek állatvilága 2. - Acta Naturalia Pannonica 2: 183-186.

G rf l, T., Dombi, I. & Zseb k, S. 2007. Az alpesi denev r (Hypsugo savii Bonaparte, 1837) Magyarorsz gon - a faj hazai adatainak ttekint se, j eredm nyek. [Savi's pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii Bonaparte, 1837) in Hungary - review of Hungarian data and new results]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 85-97.

J re, Cs. & D czy, A. 2007. Prima semnalare a speciei de liliac Myotis alcathoe Helversen et Heller, 2001 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) din Romania. [A Myotis alcathoe Helversen et Heller, 2001 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) denev rfaj els rom niai el fordul sa.] Acta Siculica. Sz kely Nemzeti M zeum, Sepsiszentgy rgy, pp. 179-183.

Juh sz, M. 2007. A Gerecse-hegys g f ldalatti denev rsz ll sainak katasztere. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 17-153.

Juh sz, M. 2007. A V rtes-hegys g f ldalatti denev rsz ll sainak katasztere. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 154-163.

Juh sz, M. 2007. A gerecsei f ldalatti sz ll shelyek denev rfaunisztikai kutat s nak jabb eredm nyei. [New results of the bat faunistic research of the underground shelters in the Gerecse Mts.]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 73-76.

Juh sz, M., Paulovics, P. & Staudinger, I. 2007. Denev rfaunisztikai kutat sok a V rtes-hegys gben. [Bat faunistic research in the mountain of V rtes]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 40-44.

Niermann, I., Biedermann, M., Bogdanowicz, W., Brinkmann R., Bris, Y. Le, Ciechanowski, M., Dietz, C., Dietz, I., Est k P., Helversen, O. von, Hou dec, A. Le, Paksuz, S., Petrov, B. P., zkan, B., Piksa, K., Rachwald, A., Roue, S. Y., Sachanowicz, K., Schorcht, W., Tereba & A., Mayer, F. 2007. Biogeography of the recently described Myotis alcathoe von Helversen and Heller, 2001. Acta Chiropterologica, 9(2): 361-378.

Paulovics, P. 2007. A Kisl di-bauxitb nya denev r llom ny nak alakul sa 1995-2003 k z tt. [Changes of the bat fauna in a bauxite mine near the village Kisl d (W-Hungary) 1995-2003]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 24-31.

Paulovics, P. 2007. A tavi denev r (Myotis dasycneme) megjelen se s elterjed se a Bakonyban. [Appearence and distribution of the Pond bat (Myotis dasycneme) in the Bakony Mts.]. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 103-109.

Paulovics, P. & G rf l, T. 2007. A Bakony-hegys g barlangjainak s mesters ges regeinek denev rfaunisztikai felm r se. [Underground bat roosts of the Bakony Mountains]. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 216-247.

Paulovics, P. & Somogyv ri, O. 2007. A kis patk sdenev r (Rhinolophus hipposideros) t li aktivit sa: egy hipot zis vitaind t nak. [Winter activity of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros): a hypothesis for introducing a discussion. - In: Moln r, V. (ed.): Az V. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (P cs, 2005. december 3-4.) s a VI. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (M rt ly, 2007. okt ber 12-14.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (P cs, 3rd to 4th of December 2005) and the 6th Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (M rt ly, 12th to 14th of October 2007)], CSEMETE Egyes let, Szeged, pp. 18-23.

Soisook, P., Bumrungsri, S., Dejtaradol, A., Francis, C. M., Csorba, G., Guill n-Servent, A. & Bates, P. J. J. 2007. First records of Kerivoula kachinensis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand. Acta Chiropterologica, 9(2): 339-345.

Szatyor, M. 2007. A K szegi-hegys g jelent sebb f ldalatti denev r-sz ll sai. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 265-267.

Szatyor, M. 2007. A Mecsek-hegys g jelent sebb f ldalatti denev rsz ll sai. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 268-285.

Szatyor, M. 2007. F ldalatti denev r-sz ll shelyek a Vill nyi-hegys gben. - In: Boldogh, S. & Est k, P. (eds.): F ldalatti denev rsz ll sok katasztere I. [Catalogue of underground bat roosts in Hungary I.]. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g, J svaf , pp. 286-290.



Boldogh, S. 2006. The bat fauna of the Aggtelek National Park and its surroundings (Hungary). Vespertilio, 9-10: 33-56.

Danko, S., G czi, I., Bihari, Z. & Pjenc k, P. 2006. Netopiere mas vu Mili a (Slansk vrchy) - [Bats of the Mili Mts. (southern part of the Slansk vrchy Mts., E Slovakia)]. Vespertilio, 9-10: 57-73.

Est k, P. 2006. Feh rsz l denev r Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl, 1819) - j eml sfaj a B kk faun j ban. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30: 297-298.

Est k, P., Bihari, Z. & Gombk t , P. 2006. A nimfadenev r (Myotis alcathoe Helversen & Heller 2001), mint j faj a Zempl n eml sfaun j ban. [First record of Myotis alcathoe Helversen & Heller 2001 in the Zempl n Mountains]. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 30: 439-440.

Kuo, H-C. Fang, Y-P., Csorba, G. & Lee, L-L. 2006. The definition of Harpiola (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae) and the description of a new species from Taiwan. Acta Chiropterologica, 8(1): 11-19.

Szatyor, M. 2006. A Mecsek hegys g kiseml s faun ja (Micromammalia: Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia). [The micromammals fauna of Mecsek Mountain, South Hungary]. - In: Fazekas, I. (ed.): A Mecsek llatvil ga 1. Folia comloensis 15: 361-376.



Bakos, J. 2005. Urb n k rnyezet: j denev r l hely?. [Urban environment: a new bat habitat?]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 49-54.

Barti, L. & Varga, . 2005. A torjai B d shegy g zasbarlangjainak, mofett inak denev r ldozatai. [The bat-victims caused by bioxid of carbon - intoxication in some caves in Transsilvanian part of Eastern Carpathians (especially in B d shegy - South-Hargita Mountains)]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 91-95.

Bereczky, A. Sz. 2005. A Taktak z s a Saj -Hern dvid k p letlak denev rpopul ci inak alakul sa 1995-2001. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 71-76.

Bereczky, A. Sz. 2005. A Taktak z s a Hern d-vid k p letlak denev reinek s gy ngybagoly- llom ny nak v ltoz sa 2002-2003. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 120-122.

Bihari, Z. 2005. A denev rpopul ci k strukt r ja: popul ci vagy metapopul ci ?. [The structure of bat populations: population or metapopulation?]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 55-58.

Bihari, Z. 2005. Debrecen denev rfaun ja. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 123-125.

Csan di, D. 2005. Magyarorsz gi denev rek a Magyar Term szettudom nyi M zeum Eml sgy jtem ny ben. [Bat species from Hungary in the Mammal Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 67-70.

Csorba, G. & Bates, P. 2005. Description of a new species of Murina from Cambodia (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae). Acta Chiropterologica, 7: 1-7.

Csorba, G. & Gombk t , P. 2005. j denev rfajok az eur pai s hazai faun ban. [New species of bats in the European and Hungarian bat fauna]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 104-107.

Csorba, G. & Ujhelyi, P. 2005. A patk sdenev rek (Rhinolophidae) rendszertani feloszt sa. [The classification of the genus Rhinolophus]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 59-62.

Dobrosi, D. 2005. Gy ngybagoly vagy denev r?. [Barn owls or bats?]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 11-15.

Dobrosi, D. 2005. Tavi denev r (Myotis dasycneme) l helyek a Tisza-v lgyben. [Pond bat (Myotis dasycneme) habitats in the Tisza-valley]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 77-78.

Dobrosi, D. & Samu, P. 2005. A gy ngybagoly elleni v dekez s lehet s gei denev rkol ni kn l. [Possibilities of defence against barn owls in bat colonies]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 128-130.

Dombi, I. 2005. Bat monitoring along the Drava River (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Natura Somogyiensis, 7: 143-156.

Dombi, I. 2005. Gemenc s B da-Karapancsa t jegys gek ter let n v gzett denev rfaunisztikai kutat s eddigi eredm nyeir l 1997-1999. [Some results of the bat faunistic research of the Gemenc and B da-Karapancsa region carried out in 1997-1999]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 30-36.

Endes, M. 2005. A Hortob gy denev rfaun ja. [The bat fauna of Hortob gy]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 79-81.

Est k, P. 2005. Az egri rsek-kert denev rfaunisztikai kutat s nak eredm nyei. [Bat faunistic survey of rsek-kert, Eger, Hungary]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 152.

Est k, P. & Cserk sz, T. 2005. Konzerv ci biol gia s denev rv delem Thaif ld n. [Conservation biology and bat protection in Thailand]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 113-114.

Feh r, Cs. E., Bek , T. & Torma, T. 2005. p letlak denev rfajok kutat s nak eredm nyei a Nyugat-Dun nt lon. [Results of the research of the house-dwelling bat species in the Western Transdanubia]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 16-18.

G czi, I. 2005. A Zempl ni-hegys g denev rfaun ja a leg jabb eredm nyek t kr ben. [The bat fauna of the Zempl n mountains in the mirror of the most recent findings]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 41-48.

J re, Cs. & D czy, A. 2005. Denev rfaunisztikai kutat sok eredm nyei Hargita megy ben (Rom nia). [Results of research on the bat fauna of Harghita County (Romania)]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 96-100.

J re, Cs., D czy, A. & Sz nt , L. 2005. Denev rek szi aktivit sa a Vargyas-szorosban (Rom nia). [Autumn movements of bats in the Varghis-Gorge (Romania)]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 153-155.

J re, Cs., D czy, A. & Sz nt , L. 2005. El zetes adatok Kolozsv r k rny k nek p letlak denev rfaun j r l. [Preliminary data on house-dwelling bats in the surrondings of Kolozsv r]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 37-40.

Klein, ., M tics, R., Elekes, P. & Piroch, M. 2005. "Nem tetszik tudni, kik j rtak itt kor bban?". - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 131-134.

Moln r, V., Beregi, A. & Moln r, Z. 2005. Denev rek (Chiroptera) r ntgendiagnosztikai vizsg lata. [Radiology of bats (Chiroptera)]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 115-116.

Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Beregi, A. 2005. Az els seg lyny jt s m dja s jelent s ge s r lt denev rek llatorvosi ell t sa sor n. [Emergency veterinary care for sick and injured bats: methods and significance]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 63-66.

Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Beregi, A. 2005. Denev rek csontt r seinek llatorvosi ell t sa k ls r gz t ssel. [Fracture management in Microchiropterans - Use of external skeletal fixation]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 110-112.

Moln r, Z. & Moln r, V. 2005. Ex situ term szet- s denev rv delem a vil g llatkertjeiben. [Ex situ protection of animal species especially bats in zoos]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 108-109.

Moln r, Z. & Moln r, V. 2005. Guatemala denev rfaun ja. [Bat fauna of Guatemala]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 147-151.

Papp, K. 2005. Erd gazd lkod s s denev rv delem. [Forestry and bat protection]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 101-103.

Paulovics, P. 2005. Egykori nagyl tsz m denev r sz l kol ni k nyomai a Bakony barlangjaiban. [Marks referring to presence of former large bat nursery colonies in the caves of Bakony Mts., Hungary]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 86-90.

Paulovics, P. 2005. N h ny p lda a n szbarlangok fog si eredm nyeinek felhaszn lhat s g ra. [Few possible interpretations of the data collected by mist netting at mating caves]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 19-23.

Pr ger, A. 2005. Haz nk r szv tele az eur pai denev rfajok popul ci inak v delm r l sz l meg llapod sban (EUROBATS) s az ebb l fakad k telezetts gek. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 117-119.

Simon, L. 2005. Mad rgy r z si k zpont - Denev rgy r z si k zpont. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 135-139.

Somogyv ri, O. 2005. A Zselic denev rfaun ja. [Bat fauna in Zselic (South-west-Hungary)]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 24-26.

Szatyor, M. 2005. A Mecsek s a Sz rsomly gy r z si eredm nyei. [Banding results in the mountains of Mecsek and Sz rsomly ]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 82-85.

Szatyor, M. 2005. Denev rod telep t s els eredm nyei a Duna- rt ren. [The first results providing artifical bat boxes in the flood plain of the river Danube]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 126-127.

Szatyor, M. 2005. Telel kol ni k monitoringja a Mecsek-hegys gben s a Sz rsomly n. [Monitoring of wintering colonies in the Mecsek mountain and in the Sz rsomly ]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 27-29.

Szatyor, M. 2005. jabb adatok az rs g denev rfaun j hoz. [New data on the Chiroptera fauna of the rs g region]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 156.

Zseb k, S. 2005. Impulzussz ml l s, zajszintkezel s, digit lis hangfeldolgoz s. [A new acoustic bat ecology surveying method based on impulse couting technics]. - In: Moln r, V., Orb n, . & Moln r, Z. (eds.): A II. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Szabadk gy s, 1999. december 4.), a III. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Tokaj, 2001. december 1.) s a IV. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sz gliget, 2003. november 22-23.) kiadv nya [Proceedings of the II. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Szabadk gy s, 4th of December 1999), the III. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Tokaj, 1th of December 2001) and the IV. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sz gliget, 22rd to 23rd of November 2003)], Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 140-146.



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Csorba, G., Ujhelyi, P. & Thomas, N. M. 2003. Horseshoe bats of the world (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae). Alana Books, 192 pp.

Dombi, I. 2003. Denev rfaunisztikai kutat s az Als -Dunav lgyben. - In: Somogyv ri, O. (ed.): let a Duna- rt ren - term szetv delemr l sokszemk zt c m tudom nyos tan cskoz s ( rsekcsan d, 2003. okt ber 17-19.) sszefoglal k tete, DDNPI, BITE, P cs, pp. 133-142.

Dombi, I. & Somogyv ri, O. 2003. Szeksz rd, a ritka denev rek haz ja. Paeonia: a Duna-Dr va Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g rtes t je, 1: 103-106.

Matis, S., Boldogh, S. & Pjencak, P. 2003. Records of Nyctalus lasiopterus in the G m r-Torna Karst (Slovakia, Hungary). Vespertilio, 7: 135-138.

Szatyor, M., Est k, P., Dombi, I. & Somogyv ri, O. 2003. Ritka denev rfajok (Chiroptera) jabb el fordul sai Magyarorsz gon. [Recent occurances of rare bat species (Chiroptera) from Hungary]. llattani k zlem nyek, 88(2): 69-72.

Szatyor, M. 2003. jabb adatok az rs g denev rfaun j hoz. Cinege: vasi mad rtani t j koztat , 8: 52-54.

Z voczky, Sz. 2003. p letlak denev rfajok felm r se s monitoringja Baranya megy ben. Paeonia: a Duna-Dr va Nemzeti Park Igazgat s g rtes t je, 1: 107-118.



Csorba, G. 2002. Remarks on some types of the genus Rhinolophus (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Annales Historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 94: 217-226.

Est k, P. 2002. The status of forest bats in the B kk mountains, N.E. Hungary. Bat Research News 43(3): 84.

Papp, K. 2002 Bats of the Ferto Hansag National Park. The fauna of the Ferto-Hansag National Park, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 815-818.

P lmai, A. & Dankovics, R. 2002. A feh rsz l denev r (Pipistrellus kuhlii) jabb hazai el fordul sa. Cinege: vasi mad rtani t j koztat , 7: 43-44.

Somogyv ri, O. & Dombi, I. 2002. A Zselic denev rfaun ja. [Bat fauna in the Zselic hills]. Somogyi m zeumok k zlem nyei, 15: 157-160.



Bihari, Z. 2001. Characteristics of the northernmost population of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in the Carpathian Basin. Acta Theriologica, 46(1): 13-21.

Bihari, Z. & Bakos, J. 2001. Roost selection of Nyctalus noctula (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in urban habitat. Proceedings of the VIIIth EBRS, 2: 29-39.

Czuppon, B. & Moln r, V. 2001. Bat fly genus and species new to Hungary (Diptera: Nycteribiidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 62: 313-317.



Bihari, Z. 2000. 1618 Hungarian churches investigated. Templum Chiropterarum, 1: 2.

Bihari, Z. 2000. Examination of bats straying into rooms. Myotis, 37: 99-102.

Bihari, Z. & Bakos, J. 2000. Roost selection of Nyctalus noctula (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in urban habitat. Acta Biologica Debrecina, 11(1): 42.

Bihari, Z. & G czi, I. 2000. Monitoring of church-dwelling bats in the territory of Zempl n Mts. (Hungary) between 1989 and 1998. Vespertilio, 4: 13-17.

Bihari, Z. & Paulovics, P. 2000. Denev rgy r z si ismeretek. - In: Kalot s, Zs. (ed.): Term szetv delmi ismeretek a mad r- s denev rgy r z si, valamint a solym szvizsg hoz. Budapest Szarvas Szeged, 231-257.

Bihari, Z., Petrovics, Z. & Szentgy rgyi, P. 2000. A Zempl ni-hegys g eml sfaun ja (Mammalia). [Mammals of the Zempl n Mountains]. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 24: 361-403.

Kock, D., Csorba, G. & Howell, K. M. 2000. Rhinolophus maendeleo n. sp. from Tanzania, a horseshoe bat noteworthy for its systematics and biogeography (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae). Senckenbergiana biologica. 80: 233-239.

P lmai, A. & Dankovics, R. 2000. Denev rv delem. Cinege: vasi mad rtani t j koztat , 5: 12-14.



Bihari, Z. 1999. A nagy patk sdenev r (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) v ndorl si szok sai K-Magyarorsz gon. [Migration of great horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in the North-east part of Hungary]. llattani k zlem nyek, 84: 79-86.

G czi, I. 1998-99. Adatok a Zempl ni-hegys g s a szomsz dos kist jak denev rfaun j hoz (Mammalia: Chiroptera). - [Data to the batfauna of the Zemplen-mountains and the surrounding regions]. Folia Historico Naturale Matraensis, 23: 381-389.



Bihari, Z. 1998. Bat Research in Hungary: Past and Present. Eurobat Chat. 9: 8-9.

Bihari, Z. 1998. Examination of the settlement of Myotis myotis in an abandoned mine. Myotis. 36: 225-228.

Csan di, D. 1998. A Macska-barlang s a D n rejtek denev rfaunisztikai vizsg lata. [Bat faunistic research in the Macska Cave and Din rejtek Cave, Pilis Mts.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 15-17.

Csan di, D. 1998. Bizony that -e hitelt rdeml en az szaki denev r (Eptesicus nilssonii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839)) magyarorsz gi el fordul sa? [Revision of the occurance of northern Bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) in Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 18-20.

Cserk sz, T. 1998. Denev r el fordul si adatok szak-magyarorsz gi bagolyk petekb l. [Presence of bats in owl pellets collected in Northern Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 36-39.

Csorba, G. 1998. The distribution of the great evening bat Ia io in the Indomalayan region. Myotis. 36: 197-201.

Csorba, G. & Jenkins, P. D. 1998. First records and a new subspecies of Rhinolophus stheno (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) from Vietnam. Bull. nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Zool.) 64(2): 207-211.

Dobrosi, D. 1998. Érdekes adatok a nagy patkósorrú denevér (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) alföldi állományának vonulásáról. Crisicum. 1: 243-239.

Est k, P. 1998. A feh rtork denev r (Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758) adatai hazai bagolyk petekb l. [The parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus) in owl pellets from Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 21-22.

Forr sy, Cs. & Paulovics, P. 1998. A hossz sz rny denev r (Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl, 1817)) jabb el fordul sa egykori sz ll shely n, az Abaligeti-barlangban (Mecsek-hegys g). [Appearance of the Schreiber's bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) at its former roost in the Abaliget Cave (Mecsek Mts.).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 23-24.

Paulovics, P. 1998. A feh rsz l t rpedenev r (Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl, 1817)) jabb el fordul sa Szegeden. [New Record of Kuhl's Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii) in Szeged.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 29-30.

Paulovics, P. 1998. A tavi denev r (Myotis dasycneme (Boie, 1825)) els el fordul sa a Bakonyban. [First record of the pond bat (Myotis dasycneme) in the Bakony Mts.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 40-42.

Paulovics, P. 1998. A sz rke hossz f l denev r (Plecotus austriacus (J.B. Fischer, 1829)) s a barna hossz f l denev r (Plecotus auritus (Linnaeus, 1758)) hibridiz ci j ra utal megfigyel sek. [Observations referring to the possibility of hybridization between the grey long-eared bat (Plecotus austriacus) and the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 31-35.

Paulovics, P. 1998. Az szaki denev r (Eptesicus nilssonii (Keyserling et Blasius, 1839) els hazai el fordul sa. [First record of the Northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) in Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 25-28.

Tak csn Bolner, K. 1998. A P l-v lgyi-barlang denev r llom ny ra vonatkoz megfigyel sek II. [Bat registration in P l-v lgy Cave, Budapest, II.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 3: 3-14.



Bankovics, A. 1997. H rom ritka denev rfaj (Chiroptera) az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkb l. [Three rare bat species (Chiroptera) from the Aggtelek National Park]. Folia Historico Naturale Matraensis 22: 341-344.

Csorba, G. 1997. j denev rtaxonok a Magyar Term szettudom nyi M zeum Eml sgy jtem ny ben. [Type specimens of recently described bat taxa in the Hungarian Natural History Museum.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 65-66.

Csorba, G., Fuisz, T. & Kelen, B. 1997. New birds and bats from Pulau Tioman, Malaysia. Malayan Nature Journal. 50: 197-200.

Cz jlik, P. & Harmos, K. 1997. Adatok K kes szak erd rezerv tum denev rfaun j hoz. [Data on the occurrence of bat species in the K kes szak forest reserve]. Folia Historico Naturale Matraensis, 22: 345-348.

Dobrosi, D. 1997. Az p letekben lak denev rek orsz gos felm r s nek eredm nyei 1991-97. [National survey program of house-dwelling bat species.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 16-20.

Dobrosi, D. & Guly s, J. 1997. A bihari barlangok denev rei. [Cave-dwelling bats in Bihar-Mountain.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 34-36.

Dombi, I. 1997. A Duna- rt r denev r l helyi s denev rfaunisztikai vizsg lata 1995-97. [Survey of bat habitats and fauna at Danube flood plain.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 44-48.

F leky, Cs. 1997. Nemzetk zi denev rv delem. [Conservation of bats at international level.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 67-69.

G czi, I. 1997. Hat v felm r munk j nak eredm nyei s tapasztalatai Zempl nben s Aba jban. [Results and experience of 6 years' work in Zempl n and Aba j.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 11-15.

Moln r, V. & Rusvai, M. 1997. A denev rek szerepe a veszetts g j rv nytan ban. [Role of bats in the epidemiology of rabies.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 60-64.

Moln r, Z. 1997. A Pilis-, Visegr di- s Gerecse-hegys g denev rfaunisztikai vizsg lata 1992-97. [Bat-fauna examination in Pilis-, Visegr di- and Gerecse Mountains 1992-97.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 26-33.

Papp, K. 1997. jabb adatok Gy r-Moson-Sopron megye p letlak denev rfaun j hoz. [New records on the house-dwelling bat fauna in Gy r-Moson-Sopron county.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 21-25.

Szatyor, M. 1997. Denev rfaunisztikai kutat sok a Fert -Hans g Nemzeti Parkban, k l n s tekintettel a Soproni-hegys g s a Hans g ter leteire. [Survey of the bat fauna in the Sopron-Hill and Hans g (Fert -Hans g National Park.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 49-51.

Topál, Gy. 1997: A new mouse-eared bat species, from Nepal, with statistical analyses of some other species of subgenus Leuconoe (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). – Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 43(4): 375-402.

Tuboly, . 1997. A B rzs ny-hegys g ter let n v gzett denev rfaunisztikai vizsg latok, valamint a hegys g k r li ter letek migr ci s kapcsolatainak vizsg lata a denev rek v ndorl si tvonalaira vonatkoz an. [Survey of the bat fauna and investigation of the migratory connections in B rzs ny-Hills.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 52-59.

Z voczky, Sz. 1997. p letlak denev rfajok felm r se s monitoringja Baranya megy ben. [Survey and monitoring of house-dwelling bat species in Baranya county.] In: Moln r, V., Moln r, Z. & Dobrosi, D. (eds.): Az I. Magyar Denev rv delmi Konferencia (Sarr d, 1997. november 29.) kiadv nya. [Proceedings of the I. Conference on the Bat Conservation in Hungary (Sarr d, 29th November 1997).] Magyar Denev rkutat k Bar ti K re, Budapest, pp. 37-43.



Bihari, Z. 1996. A hazai denev rkutat s fejl d se a sz mok t kr ben. [The development of hungarian bat research reflected by numbers.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 43.

Bihari, Z. 1996. A Zempl ni-hegys g p letlak denev reinek popul ci dinamikai vizsg lata. [The changes of populations of house-dwelling bat colonies in Zempl n Mountains.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 15-21.

Est k, P. 1996. Sz ncinege (Parus major) denev rzs km nyol sa az Ist ll sk i-barlangban (B kk-hegys g). [The bat-seizing of great tit (Parus major) in the Ist ll sk Cave (B kk Mountains).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 40.

Feh r, Cs. E. 1996. Korai denev r (Nyctalus noctula) szokatlanul nagyar ny el fordul sa gy ngybagoly (Tyto alba) k peteiben. [The extraordinarily great percentage of noctule (Nyctalus nyctalus) in the prey of barn owl (Tyto alba).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 41-42.

Gombk t , P., Bihari, Z. & Est k, P. 1996. Az ri s korai denev r (Nyctalus lasiopterus) s feh rtork denev r (Vespertilio murinus) jabb el fordul si adatai szak-Magyarorsz g ter let n. [New records of greater noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus) and parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus) in North-Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 38-39.

Gombk t , P. & Boldogh, S. 1996. p letlak denev rfajok az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park ter let n s k rny k n. [House-dwelling bat species in the area and surroundings of Aggtelek National Park.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 28-33.

Moln r, V. 1996. Okoz-e pulpa reg-megny l st a gy r r g sa? [Is the biting of rings the cause of the opening of the pulp?] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 34-37.

Moln r, Z., Moln r, V. & Csan di, D. 1996. A Budapesti Denev rv delmi Csoport 1995. vi denev rfaunisztikai kutat si terve. [The research programme of Budapest Bat Conservation Workgroup in 1995.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 46.

Papp, K. 1996. Adatok Gy r-Moson-Sopron megye p letlak denev rfaun j hoz. [Data on the house-dwelling bat fauna of Gy r-Moson-Sopron county.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 22-27.

Paulovics, P. 1996. Fogalmi tiszt z s a vonul s k r l. [Clarification of concepts about the term of "migration".] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 44-45.

Paulovics, P. 1996. T li denev rellen rz sek a Bakonyban. [Results of winter census in Bakony Mountains.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 10-14.

Tak csn Bolner, K. 1996. A P l-v lgyi barlang denev r llom ny ra vonatkoz megfigyel sek I. [Bat registration in P l-v lgy Cave, Budapest.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 2: 3-9.



Bihari, Z. 1995. Kol nia vagy popul ci ? [Colony or population?] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 22-24.

Bihari, Z. & Gombk t , P. 1995. A Denev rv delmi Akci csoport 1995. vi kutat si terve. [The research programme of Bat Conservation Group of Debrecen in 1995.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 37-39.

Bolega, J. 1995. A nagyf l denev r (Myotis bechsteini) l helyt pusair l. [About the habitat types of Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteini).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 40-41.

Bolega, J. 1995. Ragadoz denev rek: a nagy v mp rdenev r (Vampyrum spectrum). Carnivorous bats: the american false vampire bat (Vampyrum spectrum).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 42.

Csorba, G. & Bates, P. J. J. 1995. A new subspecies of the horseshoe bat Rhinolophus macrotis from Pakistan (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 41(3): 285-293.

Dombi, I. 1995. A Gemenc Term szetv delmi Egyes let 1995. vi kutat si terve. [The research programme of Bat Conservation Group of Gemenc.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 34-35.

Dombi, I. 1995. D l-Magyarorsz g gy ngyszeme - a Sz rsomly denev rfaun ja. [The pearl of Southern Hungary - the bat fauna of the Sz rsomly .] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 7-10.

Est k, P. 1995. Az alpesi denev r (Pipistrellus savii) jabb magyarorsz gi megker l se. The latest occurence of Savi's pipistrelle (Pipistrellus savii) in Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 18.

Feh r, Cs. E. 1995. A feh sz l denev r (Pipistrellus kuhli) els magyarorsz gi adatai. [First datas of Kuhl's pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhli) from Hungary.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 16-17.

Feh r, Cs. E. 1995. Zalai Denev rv delmi Munkacsoport 1995. vi denev rfaunisztikai kutat si terve. [The research programme of Zala Bat Conservation Workgroup in 1995.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 36.

Gombk t , P. 1995. p letfoglal k z ns ges t rpedenev rek (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). [Occupation of buildings by common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus).] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 25-26.

Paulovics, P. 1995. Egyezm nyek az eur pai denev rfajok v delm re. [Agreements on the conservation of european bats.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 6.

Szatyor, M. 1995. A mecseki barlangok denev rfaun ja, kieg sz t s sszehasonl t jelleggel. [The bat fauna of the caves in Mecsek (with comparative and complementary purpose.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 11-15.

Szatyor, M. 1995. A Sz rsomly kutat si terve. [The Sz rsomly Research Programme.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 32-33.

Top l, Gy. 1995. Bek sz nt . [Opening announcement.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 3-5.

T th, E. 1995. Denev rek t li sz ll scser je. [Bat's wake in winter.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 19.

Z voczky, Sz. 1995. A MME Baranya megyei Helyi Csoportj nak Denev rv delmi Programja s 1995. vi kutat si terve. [The research programme of the Local Group of HONCG in Baranya county in 1995.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 30-31.

Z voczky, Sz. 1995. Az V. Abaligeti Denev rkutat T bor eredm nyei. [The results of the 5th Bat Research Camp in Abaliget.] Denev rkutat s - Hungarian Bat Research News. 1: 20-21.



Csorba, G. & Top l, Gy. 1994. First record and taxonomic status of Megaderma lyra from Vietnam (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Annales Historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 86: 125-132.



Bankovics, A. & Csorba, G. 1993. Report on a collecting trip to Vietnam in 1990. Miscellanea Zoologica Hungarica. 8: 65-67.

Top l, Gy. 1993. Taxonomic status of Hipposideros larvatus alongensis Bourret, 1942 and occurrence of H. turpis Bangs, 1901 in Vietnam (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Acta Zoologica Hungarica. 39(1-4): 267-288.



Top l, Gy. & Csorba, G. 1992. The subspecific division of Rhinolophus luctus Temminck, 1835, and the taxonomic status of R. beddomei Andersen, 1905 (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Miscellanea Zoologica Hungarica. 7: 101-116.



Hill J. E. & Topál Gy. 1990: Records of Marshall’s horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus marshalli Thonglongya, 1973 (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) from Vietnam. – Mammalia 54(3): 490-491.



Topál, Gy. 1989: A barlangi denevérek magyarországi kutatásának áttekintése. [An overview of research on cave bats in Hungary.] – Karszt és Barlang 1989(1-2): 85-86.

Topál, Gy. 1989: An overview of research on cave bats in Hungary. – Karszt és Barlang Special Issue: 65-68.



Ansell, W. F. H. & Topál, Gy. 1976: The type locality of Miniopterus schreibersi Kuhl (Mammalia: Chiroptera). – Vertebrata Hungarica 17: 15-17.

Topál, Gy. 1976: New Records of Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus and of Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreiber) in Hungary (Mammalia: Chiroptera). – Vertebrata Hungarica 17: 9–14.



Top l, Gy. 1975. Bacula of some old world leaf-nosed bats (Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae, Chiroptera: Mammalia). Vertebrata Hungarica. 16: 21-53.



Topál, Gy. 1974: Field observation on Oriental Bats. Sex ratio and reproduction. – Vertebrata Hungarica 15: 83-94.



Hill, J. E. & Top l, Gy. 1973. The affinities of Pipistrellus ridleyi Thomas, 1898 and Glischropus rosseti Oey, 1951 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoological Series. 24: 447-454.



Top l, Gy. 1971. The taxonomic position of Myotis dobsoni (Trouessart, 1879), and some statistical data to the subspecific examination of Myotis blythi (Tomes, 1857). Annales Historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 63: 383-400.



Top l, Gy. 1970. On the systematic status of Pipistrellus annectans Dobson, 1871 and Myotis primula Thomas, 1920 (Mammalia). Annales Historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 62: 373-379.

Top l, Gy. 1970. The first record of Ia io Thomas, 1902 in Vietnam and India, and some remarks on the taxonomic position of Parascotomanes beaulieuni Bourret, 1942, Ia longissima Pen, 1962, and the genus Ia Thomas, 1902 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Opuscula Zoologica. 10(2): 341-347.



Topál, Gy. 1966: Some observations on the nocturnal activity of bats in Hungary. – Vertebrat Hungarica 8: 139-165.



Topál, Gy. 1962. A magyarországi denevérek ivararánya. [Sex ration of Hungarian bats.] Vertebrata Hungarica 4(1-2): 141-163.



Topál, Gy. 1959. Két ritka denevérfaj a Kárpát-medence faunájában. [Two rare bat species in the fauna of the Carpathian Basin.] Vertebrata Hungarica 1: 89-103.



Top l, Gy. 1958. Morphological studies on the os penis of bats in the Carpathian Basin. Annales Historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 49: 331-342.



Topál, Gy. 1956. The movements of bats in Hungary. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 7: 477-489.



Topál, Gy. 1954. A Kárpát-medence denevéreinek elterjedési adatai. [Distribution data of Hungarian bats.] Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 5: 471-483.

Topál, Gy. 1954. Denevérgy r zés Magyarországon. I. [Bat ringing in Hungary I.] Állattani Közlemények. 44: 43-48.

Topál, Gy. 1954. Denevérgy r zés Magyarországon. II. [Bat ringing in Hungary II.] Állattani Közlemények. 44: 231-238.